Testimonial slider
Pellentesque et pulvinar enim. Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem.
Romeo ShannonMoozpaperProin urna enim, semper at egestas sed, elementum in justo. Mauris sed mauris bibendum est imperdiet porttitor tincidunt at lorem. Proin augue massa, faucibus eu volutpat quis, hendrerit sed tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus in tellus scelerisque aliquam.
Juan WilliamsDC GenericsNulla semper vehicula tortor non ultricies. Donec ac quam ante, in feugiat sapien. Etiam massa turpis, laoreet et auctor sed, dictum sed urna. Fusce lorem ipsum, semper sit amet laoreet ac, aliquam at purus. Nunc scelerisque laoreet metus vel faucibus. Curabitur ac neque at arcu consectetur auctor eget id elit.
Janet CummingsBeamsoftSuspendisse egestas luctus urna, vitae dapibus turpis ultrices in. In libero odio, sagittis id vulputate sed, lacinia id mi.
Betty MyersArtbees DesignPellentesque et pulvinar enim. Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem.
AndyCompanyQuisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem. Pellentesque et pulvinar enim.
Maecenas S.CompanyWorking with Zolotaya Seredina was great: they made allowance for all of our company's "peculiarities" and demonstrated a very flexible approach to our requests. The loyalty programme goals for the first year were achieved in the first 8 months, we gained more regular customers, and expenditures for discounts were reduced. The programme has been managed better due to the quality performance by Zolotaya Seredina's team and the application of a modern CRM system.
Yakov Goryntsev, Marketing Director TechnoVideoQuisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium donec.
Maecenas augueCompanyOur transition to a bonus loyalty programme was achieved without any customer attrition. Privilege-related costs were significantly reduced. In 2014, we plan to develop the loyalty programme by bringing additional customers services into the existing programme with Zolotaya Seredina's support. We also want to switch card owners from discounts to bonuses in other cities where Neposeda City operates.
Lev Karasev, CEONeposeda CityВнедрение проекта расширяет возможности нашего клиента, совершая покупки в «Next4U», потребитель накапливает бонусы, которые он может потратить, как в нашем магазине, так и магазинах и местах обслуживания партнеров Коалиционной программы.
Это новый этап клиентской политики компании, который, безусловно, связан с определенными рисками, но, я уверен, что изменения несут исключительно позитивный характер
Владислав Зорин, директор единой системы покупокNext4UЯ вижу перспективу именно в таком изменении стратегии работы с постоянными клиентами. Западные компании нашего рынка давно демонстрируют успешность этого решения. Бонус для клиента – это вещественная и ощутимая привилегия. Буду с удовольствием наблюдать, как повышается ценность бонуса в Коалиции «Золотая Середина
Геннадий Евграшин, генеральный директор Сеть автосервисов «7 Ключей»People tend to think that the building supplies market is very conservative and resistant to new technologies. However, with our loyalty programme, we aim to communicate to our customers and partners that Hercules-Siberia is ready to radically change its way of managing relationships. Our goal is to build partner relationships not only with our dealers but also with each of their employees. We are thankful to Zolotaya Seredina, which helped us to launch a truly modern and technological product that ensures partner relationships between Hercules-Siberia and each member of a supply chain from a manufacturer to an ultimate buyer.
Dmitry Mayurov, Marketing DirectorООО Hercules-SiberiaThe loyalty programme goals for the first year were achieved, card turnover was increased by more than 20%, and expenditures for discounts were reduced. The programme has been managed better due to the quality performance by Zolotaya Seredina's team and the application of a modern CRM system.
Darya Sosunova, DirectorAvelonOne and a half year ago, we did not really believe that the implementation of a bonus programme would bring the promised benefits, but high level of competition in the pharmacy business made us accept this solution. At the time of the launch, we had 7 pharmacies, and now we have 12. With that, the number of cash desks has doubled, because one desk wasn't enough for some pharmacies that experienced a large increase in the customer base. Card owners started to buy more—this indicator has increased by more than 40%. Never before did we achieve results in such a short time and, at the same time, so effortlessly.
Елена Майданова, директорСеть аптек "Лаки Фарма"Вступление в программу «Клуб Перекресток» для сети аптек А5 – решение во многом стратегическое. Выгодное соседство – пожалуй, так можно охарактеризовать этот проект. Причем выгода здесь, в первую очередь, для покупателя: заглянул в аптеку по пути в супермаркет, накопил баллы – и тут же скидка при покупке в «Перекрестке» - приятно!
Галина Хохлова, менеджер программ лояльностиСеть «А5»The implementation of a loyalty programme in 2011 was a market necessity, as all of our main competitors had already had their own customer programmes. We needed to launch it as quickly as possible: we did not have time to create our own pool of partners. And so we approached Zolotaya Seredina, which then included us in their Coalition and became the organiser of our Coalition Loyalty Programme. Sovcombank was also brought in. Today, the programme contributes to Tsifrograd's continuous capital growth and serves as the company's competitive differentiator for its customers.
Anna Konoreeva, Head of Marketing DepartmentTsifrogradI would like to highlight the performance of our personal manager, both at the contract signing phase and at the bonus loyalty programme implementation phase. He answered in great detail on all the questions we had prior to deciding to switch from discounts to bonuses. Our company needed a customer base management system that would enable us to communicate with patients in order to promote additional services among them. We also needed a procedure for optimising costs associated with discounts. Now we witness the launch of Zolotaya Seredina's bonus loyalty programme. The company has developed a special mechanism for accruing and withdrawing bonuses and provided us with the loyalty programme support materials for sales outlets (customer cards, posters, and leaflets), as well as conducted the training of administrators.
Ekaterina Skoblina, Deputy DirectorMedpraktikaThe implementation of Zolotaya Seredina's bonus loyalty programme was done very fast. Having switched from discounts to bonuses, we can now see the efficiency of this mechanism. There was no customer attrition at all, and our profits have noticeably increased. By offering our customers bonus rewards, we were able to significantly reduce costs. Zolotaya Seredina provided us with bonus rules, a guide for administrators, a customer package (customer cards and forms), and the loyalty programme support materials (posters for the reception desk and a city-format ad).
Viktoriya Yuschenko, DirectorDentAleks, a chain of dental clinicsЖелание проявить заботу о каждом члене Профсоюза и расширить круг персональных льгот - вот основные мотивы программы «Единая Профсоюзная Карта», позволяющей экономить семейный бюджет. Такая программа способствует удержанию членства и увеличивает количество желающих присоединиться к Профсоюзному движению!
Галина Печерская, председательНовосибирская областная организация работников Здравоохранения РФOur network is one of the largest in the Volga Region and in the Russian Federation. Today, we have an important task—customer loyalty management and sales management. We needed to develop a fully complete solution for launching a bonus programme, where we could combine not only accrual of bonuses but also provision of discounts to our customers, taking into account a sufficiently large geographical distribution of our network. To this end, we searched for a contractor who would be able to implement all our ideas. We have found such a contractor—a professional one, with experience in the market. It is Zolotaya Seredina, which has provided us with a turnkey solution and has developed the concept of the programme together with us. Starting from 15 April 2014, this programme has been launched in the Vita and Dobroye Serdtse pharmacies in Samara. First of all, we want to connect the Samara Region to this programme. Next, we will connect all other regions—the Volga Region and the Southern Federal District.
Svetlana PopovaHead of Advertising and PR Department at the Vita pharmacy chainOne and a half year ago, we did not really believe that the implementation of a bonus programme would bring the promised benefits, but high level of competition in the pharmacy business made us accept this solution. At the time of the launch, we had 7 pharmacies, and now we have 12. With that, the number of cash desks has doubled, because one desk wasn't enough for some pharmacies that experienced a large increase in the customer base. Card owners started to buy more—this indicator has increased by more than 40%. Never before did we achieve results in such a short time and, at the same time, so effortlessly.
The loyalty programme goals for the first year were achieved, card turnover was increased by more than 20%, and expenditures for discounts were reduced. The programme has been managed better due to the quality performance by Zolotaya Seredina's team and the application of a modern CRM system.
Darya Sosunova, DirectorAvelonOur transition to a bonus loyalty programme was achieved without any customer attrition. Privilege-related costs were significantly reduced. In 2014, we plan to develop the loyalty programme by bringing additional customers services into the existing programme with Zolotaya Seredina's support. We also want to switch card owners from discounts to bonuses in other cities where Neposeda City operates.
Lev Karasev, CEONeposeda CityPeople tend to think that the building supplies market is very conservative and resistant to new technologies. However, with our loyalty programme, we aim to communicate to our customers and partners that Hercules-Siberia is ready to radically change its way of managing relationships. Our goal is to build partner relationships not only with our dealers but also with each of their employees. We are thankful to Zolotaya Seredina, which helped us to launch a truly modern and technological product that ensures partner relationships between Hercules-Siberia and each member of a supply chain from a manufacturer to an ultimate buyer.
Dmitry Mayurov, Marketing DirectorООО Hercules-SiberiaThere were many reasons to agree to partner up with Zolotaya Seredina. One of the most important ones, however, was an opportunity to work with the team that is highly qualified when it comes to CRM systems, the team of interesting, energetic, and goal-driven people who are experts in managing today's business processes.
Rostislav Senkevich, DirectorParfyumika, a chain of perfume and cosmetics stores, NovosibirskOur work started in spring 2014. Back then, I was looking for a contractor to implement a bonus loyalty programme in Ivanovo. After the Internet surfing and talking to many potential contractors, I have decided to choose Zolotaya Seredina. Why? In the first place, because of their experience. They immediately told me which things needed improvement, and which things would be difficult to implement in terms of possible fraud. In the second place, because they had real working projects. In the third place, because of their comprehensive services during all stages of work: technical part, implementation, and support, both technical and legal. In the fourth place, the financial terms were agreeable. In the fifth place, they were able to quickly resolve most of the issues. Probably, the human factor played a big role here too, I mean our personal communication. When you see that the project manager is interested in working with you, that he/she is ready to listen and to guide, you expect your future cooperation to be just as comfortable.
Aleksey Bogadelin, Coalition Programme Manager FriendWe were searching for something new for our customers, because the discount system had already become obsolete, and our beauty salon with 10 years in business had to make some headway. We had to do something to retain our regular customers and attract new ones, so we started looking for companies that could implement a programme of this kind for Ramira. Luckily, there were only two such companies in our city. Zolotaya Seredina was one of them, and it was the one chosen by Ramira, as Zolotaya Seredina had experience in working with beauty salons.
Nataliya Komysheva, AdministratorRamira, beauty salon, Barnaul
Single testimonial
Working with Zolotaya Seredina was great: they made allowance for all of our company's "peculiarities" and demonstrated a very flexible approach to our requests. The loyalty programme goals for the first year were achieved in the first 8 months, we gained more regular customers, and expenditures for discounts were reduced. The programme has been managed better due to the quality performance by Zolotaya Seredina's team and the application of a modern CRM system.
Yakov Goryntsev, Marketing Director TechnoVideo
Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem. Pellentesque et pulvinar enim.
Maecenas S.Company
Pellentesque et pulvinar enim. Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem.
Multiple column sizes
Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium donec.
Maecenas augueCompany
Proin urna enim, semper at egestas sed, elementum in justo. Mauris sed mauris bibendum est imperdiet porttitor tincidunt at lorem. Proin augue massa, faucibus eu volutpat quis, hendrerit sed tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus in tellus scelerisque aliquam.
Juan WilliamsDC Generics
Testimonial slider without client’s photo
- Romeo ShannonMoozpaper
Pellentesque et pulvinar enim. Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem.
- Juan WilliamsDC Generics
Proin urna enim, semper at egestas sed, elementum in justo. Mauris sed mauris bibendum est imperdiet porttitor tincidunt at lorem. Proin augue massa, faucibus eu volutpat quis, hendrerit sed tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus in tellus scelerisque aliquam.
- Janet CummingsBeamsoft
Nulla semper vehicula tortor non ultricies. Donec ac quam ante, in feugiat sapien. Etiam massa turpis, laoreet et auctor sed, dictum sed urna. Fusce lorem ipsum, semper sit amet laoreet ac, aliquam at purus. Nunc scelerisque laoreet metus vel faucibus. Curabitur ac neque at arcu consectetur auctor eget id elit.
- Betty MyersArtbees Design
Suspendisse egestas luctus urna, vitae dapibus turpis ultrices in. In libero odio, sagittis id vulputate sed, lacinia id mi.
- AndyCompany
Pellentesque et pulvinar enim. Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem.
- Maecenas S.Company
Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem. Pellentesque et pulvinar enim.
- Yakov Goryntsev, Marketing Director TechnoVideo
Working with Zolotaya Seredina was great: they made allowance for all of our company's "peculiarities" and demonstrated a very flexible approach to our requests. The loyalty programme goals for the first year were achieved in the first 8 months, we gained more regular customers, and expenditures for discounts were reduced. The programme has been managed better due to the quality performance by Zolotaya Seredina's team and the application of a modern CRM system.
- Maecenas augueCompany
Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium donec.
- Lev Karasev, CEONeposeda City
Our transition to a bonus loyalty programme was achieved without any customer attrition. Privilege-related costs were significantly reduced. In 2014, we plan to develop the loyalty programme by bringing additional customers services into the existing programme with Zolotaya Seredina's support. We also want to switch card owners from discounts to bonuses in other cities where Neposeda City operates.
- Владислав Зорин, директор единой системы покупокNext4U
Внедрение проекта расширяет возможности нашего клиента, совершая покупки в «Next4U», потребитель накапливает бонусы, которые он может потратить, как в нашем магазине, так и магазинах и местах обслуживания партнеров Коалиционной программы.
Это новый этап клиентской политики компании, который, безусловно, связан с определенными рисками, но, я уверен, что изменения несут исключительно позитивный характер
- Геннадий Евграшин, генеральный директор Сеть автосервисов «7 Ключей»
Я вижу перспективу именно в таком изменении стратегии работы с постоянными клиентами. Западные компании нашего рынка давно демонстрируют успешность этого решения. Бонус для клиента – это вещественная и ощутимая привилегия. Буду с удовольствием наблюдать, как повышается ценность бонуса в Коалиции «Золотая Середина
- Dmitry Mayurov, Marketing DirectorООО Hercules-Siberia
People tend to think that the building supplies market is very conservative and resistant to new technologies. However, with our loyalty programme, we aim to communicate to our customers and partners that Hercules-Siberia is ready to radically change its way of managing relationships. Our goal is to build partner relationships not only with our dealers but also with each of their employees. We are thankful to Zolotaya Seredina, which helped us to launch a truly modern and technological product that ensures partner relationships between Hercules-Siberia and each member of a supply chain from a manufacturer to an ultimate buyer.
- Darya Sosunova, DirectorAvelon
The loyalty programme goals for the first year were achieved, card turnover was increased by more than 20%, and expenditures for discounts were reduced. The programme has been managed better due to the quality performance by Zolotaya Seredina's team and the application of a modern CRM system.
- Елена Майданова, директорСеть аптек "Лаки Фарма"
One and a half year ago, we did not really believe that the implementation of a bonus programme would bring the promised benefits, but high level of competition in the pharmacy business made us accept this solution. At the time of the launch, we had 7 pharmacies, and now we have 12. With that, the number of cash desks has doubled, because one desk wasn't enough for some pharmacies that experienced a large increase in the customer base. Card owners started to buy more—this indicator has increased by more than 40%. Never before did we achieve results in such a short time and, at the same time, so effortlessly.
- Галина Хохлова, менеджер программ лояльностиСеть «А5»
Вступление в программу «Клуб Перекресток» для сети аптек А5 – решение во многом стратегическое. Выгодное соседство – пожалуй, так можно охарактеризовать этот проект. Причем выгода здесь, в первую очередь, для покупателя: заглянул в аптеку по пути в супермаркет, накопил баллы – и тут же скидка при покупке в «Перекрестке» - приятно!
- Anna Konoreeva, Head of Marketing DepartmentTsifrograd
The implementation of a loyalty programme in 2011 was a market necessity, as all of our main competitors had already had their own customer programmes. We needed to launch it as quickly as possible: we did not have time to create our own pool of partners. And so we approached Zolotaya Seredina, which then included us in their Coalition and became the organiser of our Coalition Loyalty Programme. Sovcombank was also brought in. Today, the programme contributes to Tsifrograd's continuous capital growth and serves as the company's competitive differentiator for its customers.
- Ekaterina Skoblina, Deputy DirectorMedpraktika
I would like to highlight the performance of our personal manager, both at the contract signing phase and at the bonus loyalty programme implementation phase. He answered in great detail on all the questions we had prior to deciding to switch from discounts to bonuses. Our company needed a customer base management system that would enable us to communicate with patients in order to promote additional services among them. We also needed a procedure for optimising costs associated with discounts. Now we witness the launch of Zolotaya Seredina's bonus loyalty programme. The company has developed a special mechanism for accruing and withdrawing bonuses and provided us with the loyalty programme support materials for sales outlets (customer cards, posters, and leaflets), as well as conducted the training of administrators.
- Viktoriya Yuschenko, DirectorDentAleks, a chain of dental clinics
The implementation of Zolotaya Seredina's bonus loyalty programme was done very fast. Having switched from discounts to bonuses, we can now see the efficiency of this mechanism. There was no customer attrition at all, and our profits have noticeably increased. By offering our customers bonus rewards, we were able to significantly reduce costs. Zolotaya Seredina provided us with bonus rules, a guide for administrators, a customer package (customer cards and forms), and the loyalty programme support materials (posters for the reception desk and a city-format ad).
- Галина Печерская, председательНовосибирская областная организация работников Здравоохранения РФ
Желание проявить заботу о каждом члене Профсоюза и расширить круг персональных льгот - вот основные мотивы программы «Единая Профсоюзная Карта», позволяющей экономить семейный бюджет. Такая программа способствует удержанию членства и увеличивает количество желающих присоединиться к Профсоюзному движению!
- Svetlana PopovaHead of Advertising and PR Department at the Vita pharmacy chain
Our network is one of the largest in the Volga Region and in the Russian Federation. Today, we have an important task—customer loyalty management and sales management. We needed to develop a fully complete solution for launching a bonus programme, where we could combine not only accrual of bonuses but also provision of discounts to our customers, taking into account a sufficiently large geographical distribution of our network. To this end, we searched for a contractor who would be able to implement all our ideas. We have found such a contractor—a professional one, with experience in the market. It is Zolotaya Seredina, which has provided us with a turnkey solution and has developed the concept of the programme together with us. Starting from 15 April 2014, this programme has been launched in the Vita and Dobroye Serdtse pharmacies in Samara. First of all, we want to connect the Samara Region to this programme. Next, we will connect all other regions—the Volga Region and the Southern Federal District.
One and a half year ago, we did not really believe that the implementation of a bonus programme would bring the promised benefits, but high level of competition in the pharmacy business made us accept this solution. At the time of the launch, we had 7 pharmacies, and now we have 12. With that, the number of cash desks has doubled, because one desk wasn't enough for some pharmacies that experienced a large increase in the customer base. Card owners started to buy more—this indicator has increased by more than 40%. Never before did we achieve results in such a short time and, at the same time, so effortlessly.
- Darya Sosunova, DirectorAvelon
The loyalty programme goals for the first year were achieved, card turnover was increased by more than 20%, and expenditures for discounts were reduced. The programme has been managed better due to the quality performance by Zolotaya Seredina's team and the application of a modern CRM system.
- Lev Karasev, CEONeposeda City
Our transition to a bonus loyalty programme was achieved without any customer attrition. Privilege-related costs were significantly reduced. In 2014, we plan to develop the loyalty programme by bringing additional customers services into the existing programme with Zolotaya Seredina's support. We also want to switch card owners from discounts to bonuses in other cities where Neposeda City operates.
- Dmitry Mayurov, Marketing DirectorООО Hercules-Siberia
People tend to think that the building supplies market is very conservative and resistant to new technologies. However, with our loyalty programme, we aim to communicate to our customers and partners that Hercules-Siberia is ready to radically change its way of managing relationships. Our goal is to build partner relationships not only with our dealers but also with each of their employees. We are thankful to Zolotaya Seredina, which helped us to launch a truly modern and technological product that ensures partner relationships between Hercules-Siberia and each member of a supply chain from a manufacturer to an ultimate buyer.
- Rostislav Senkevich, DirectorParfyumika, a chain of perfume and cosmetics stores, Novosibirsk
There were many reasons to agree to partner up with Zolotaya Seredina. One of the most important ones, however, was an opportunity to work with the team that is highly qualified when it comes to CRM systems, the team of interesting, energetic, and goal-driven people who are experts in managing today's business processes.
- Aleksey Bogadelin, Coalition Programme Manager Friend
Our work started in spring 2014. Back then, I was looking for a contractor to implement a bonus loyalty programme in Ivanovo. After the Internet surfing and talking to many potential contractors, I have decided to choose Zolotaya Seredina. Why? In the first place, because of their experience. They immediately told me which things needed improvement, and which things would be difficult to implement in terms of possible fraud. In the second place, because they had real working projects. In the third place, because of their comprehensive services during all stages of work: technical part, implementation, and support, both technical and legal. In the fourth place, the financial terms were agreeable. In the fifth place, they were able to quickly resolve most of the issues. Probably, the human factor played a big role here too, I mean our personal communication. When you see that the project manager is interested in working with you, that he/she is ready to listen and to guide, you expect your future cooperation to be just as comfortable.
- Nataliya Komysheva, AdministratorRamira, beauty salon, Barnaul
We were searching for something new for our customers, because the discount system had already become obsolete, and our beauty salon with 10 years in business had to make some headway. We had to do something to retain our regular customers and attract new ones, so we started looking for companies that could implement a programme of this kind for Ramira. Luckily, there were only two such companies in our city. Zolotaya Seredina was one of them, and it was the one chosen by Ramira, as Zolotaya Seredina had experience in working with beauty salons.